
On: Gratitude

I consider myself one of the luckiest people in the world. When I look around, I see so many people suffering and facing insurmountable challenges with health, poverty, debilitating mental health problems, and weather-related destruction of entire communities, to name a few. One might say that I too, should be suffering due to the loss of my spouse. Of course I am, but so are many others just like me who have had to endure the same. I am not special or alone in this situation and I refuse to let it define me. That is why I consider myself lucky. 

Gratitude for all that I have in my life is what drives me to keep moving forward. I refuse to dwell on the sadness that infiltrates my heart daily. It’s always there, just under the surface and bubbles up unexpectedly on occasion, but instead of shoving it back down and ignoring it- I accept that it is part of who I am now. It reminds me that life is short, and I would be doing a disservice to my husband if I didn’t embrace all that my life has to offer and to move forward. 

Ensuring that I stop and take inventory of all that I have is what gets me out of bed in the morning. After all, I have way more than so many others in this world. I have family, friends, colleagues and a beautiful home in which to live. I can afford to heat my house and feed my family. I will continue to do whatever it takes to ensure that this house remains a safe place for the people in my life who need a place to go in times of need. And I will give back to others to the best of my ability. Writing is one way that I can do just that. Whether it is with this blog or by pursuing my writing career, I will continue to put my words onto the proverbial page as a way to give back to others. My hope is that whatever is written will have some sort of impact- big or small- on the reader. 

So, there you have it. I am one lucky lady, and I am grateful for you!

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